student, 2588 is a dividend growing stock, therefore it would have a relatively high PB, as you see in cash-flow statement, its rental income is about 1B USD while paying 200-300 million USD interest as financial cost, its EBITDA is around 800million USD, in terms of yield and ROE it exceeds 8% and 12%, which is even higher than the criteria of what NWS CEO says [*NWS holdings (659) has an aircraft-leasing company Goshawk, which is also my favorite stock], therefore I believe 2588 is a quite good investment
回覆刪除其實2588並不一定比港交好, 這港交所是我接手前屋企人買落的, 我不喜歡高估值的周期股, 所以賣出收回資金:)
刪除中銀飛機租賃cashflow很強, 大部分都是定息債務(約2.5%), 長遠而言股息分派有增長空間
刪除Student :
回覆刪除1. 3988.HK holds 70% shareholding of 2588.HK
2. At HK$40.3 : P/E 8.12; Dividend yield 3.46%; NAV~HK$38
3. Final div.~HK$0.93 (Ex. div. date: 6Jun2017) coming soon
I have no 388.HK or 2588.HK
I have no idea about 2588.HK ...... I prefer 900.HK for receiving long run dividends.
I hope you will be successful.
刪除Student says:
刪除Hello Billy Sir,
Can you kindly explain more ?
Thanks a lot.
刪除student, 2588 is a dividend growing stock, therefore it would have a relatively high PB, as you see in cash-flow statement, its rental income is about 1B USD while paying 200-300 million USD interest as financial cost, its EBITDA is around 800million USD, in terms of yield and ROE it exceeds 8% and 12%, which is even higher than the criteria of what NWS CEO says [*NWS holdings (659) has an aircraft-leasing company Goshawk, which is also my favorite stock], therefore I believe 2588 is a quite good investment
冇問題, 我不覺得打擾:)
刪除其實388本質不錯, 壟斷, 營運成本低, 惟一估值太高我不喜歡, 長揸收息不合理(息率低), 要靠炒高賺錢不是不行, 不過我唔叻炒股票所以放棄, 其實我的投資風格跟長江基建相近, 都係主力買cashflow強而穩定既野
刪除飛機租賃本身涉及大量借貸, 趁美國加息之前上市"益"散戶掛, 不過2588很多fixed-rate loans, 暫時(2-3年)仍然安全, 況且美國加息未必有想像中快
刪除Student says :
回覆刪除Hutchison Sir & Bill Sir ,
I am understood now.
I hope you two are right.
Cheers !
Student's correction : Sorry Billy Sir, just carelessly mistyped "Bill Sir".