Student says:659.HK is a New World Group member ......Play work hard and good good luck!
Yes, it is a stock of the Cheng Family, but it's asset is the best among the new world group
659算係新世界系中叫做較好一點個隻 起碼唔學得17久唔久供股
佢果幾檔野都有公用性質, 其中飛機租賃, 水務都有快速增長的能力, 長遠看好:)
how about 2588?
I hold 1300 stocks of 2588hk, I think it's dividend is sustainable and I will hold it until I find another dividend-growing stock which is better than 2588
Student says:
回覆刪除659.HK is a New World Group member ......
Play work hard and good good luck!
Yes, it is a stock of the Cheng Family, but it's asset is the best among the new world group
刪除659算係新世界系中叫做較好一點個隻 起碼唔學得17久唔久供股
回覆刪除佢果幾檔野都有公用性質, 其中飛機租賃, 水務都有快速增長的能力, 長遠看好:)
刪除how about 2588?
回覆刪除I hold 1300 stocks of 2588hk, I think it's dividend is sustainable and I will hold it until I find another dividend-growing stock which is better than 2588